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30 August, 2024

Code Documentation - A Beginner's Guide

When writing code, it's essential to make it as clear and understandable as possible. This not only benefits you but also anyone else who might work with your code in the future. There are two main ways to improve the readability of your code:

Self-Documenting Code: Use descriptive names for your variables, functions, and classes.
Comments: Add comments where necessary to explain parts of your code.

What are Comments?

Comments are lines of text within your code that are meant for you or other developers—they are ignored by the computer when the code is run. Comments are useful for explaining what a particular piece of code does, why you made certain choices, or leaving notes for yourself.

Examples of Comments

Here is a simple example of a comment in Python:

# This is a comment

num = 10

In the above code, Python ignores the comment `# This is a comment`. It serves as a note for anyone reading the code.

You can also create in-line comments:

x = 10  # 10 is being assigned to x

In this case, the comment explains what the code on that line is doing.

Multiline Comments

Sometimes, you may need to write a comment that spans multiple lines. In Python, you can achieve this by using triple-quoted strings:

"""This is a

multiline comment"""

Alternatively, you can use triple single quotes:

'''This is also a

multiline comment'''

Documenting Functions with Docstrings

In addition to regular comments, Python provides a special type of comment called a **docstring**. Docstrings are used to document what a function, class, or module does. They are written as the first statement inside a function, class, or module using triple double-quotes.

Here's an example of a function with a docstring:

def my_function():

    """This is the function's docstring"""


Docstrings are helpful because they can be accessed by tools and frameworks that generate documentation from your code.

24 September, 2023

Beginner's Guide: Setting Up Your Network Automation Lab

Network automation labs are a great place for beginners to enhance their skills, test a project, and gain hands-on experience. In this blog post, you will look into the necessary steps to set up your own network automation lab.

If you're a network engineer, an associate, or a system admin and want to increase your skill, this guide is for your help to get started with automation.

Why Network Automation?

Before we set up the process, let's understand why a network automation lab is so critical for beginners:

Hands-On Learning: Network automation is not just theory, it's practical implementation. A lab environment allows you to experiment without risk of breaking a production networks.

Skill Development: You will be proficient in network automation tools, scripting, and configurations, which are in high demand in the industry. 

Risk-Free Environment: Making mistakes and learn from them in a safe and controlled environment.

Now that you recognize the importance of a network automation lab, let's proceed next to set up the lab.

Basic Lab Requirements

Before you start to set up a lab environment, ensure you have the following tools and software:

Hardware: You'll need a computer to host your lab environment. It doesn't need to be very powerful, but it should meet the minimum lab requirements.

Virtualization Software: Software like VMware Workstation, VirtualBox, or GNS3 allows you to create virtual machines (VMs) for your lab.

Operating Systems: Install your preferred OS (my OS is Windows) for both host and VMs. Linux's distributions are commonly used for network automation.

Network Devices: Virtual routers and switches are needed for simulating network configurations.

Setting Up Your Lab Environment

Now, let's set up your network automation lab:

Microsoft loop-back adapter

1. Right-click on the window start menu icon and select Device Manager.

2. Select Network adapters and click on Action tab, and select Add legacy hardware.

3. Click Next on the welcome screen.

4. Choose “Install the hardware that I manually select from a list” and click on Next.

5. Select Network adapters from offered common hardware types and click on Next. 

6. Select Microsoft, and select Microsoft KM-TEST Loop-back adapter card model, click on Next.

7. Click on Next and Finish.

Identify your loop-back adapter, in my case Ethernet2 as shown below:

GNS3 and Network device

Start GNS3 and drop a cloud node at the workspace and configure as below:

  1. Right-click Cloud node, select Configure, and then select “Show special Ethernet interfaces.
  2. Add the Ethernet2 from the drop-down menu.
  3. Delete any other interfaces.
  4. Highlight the Ethernet2
  5. Click on add button.
  6. Apply OK.

Change the symbol to a computer and rename cloud node to PC.

Configure Ethernet2 adapter from opening Network and Sharing Center, then change adopter setting and add static IP address as below:


 Add switch and router as below:

 Configure SW1 as below:

conf t
hostname SW1
enable secret cisco
service password-encryption
username admin password cisco
no ip domain-lookup       
interface Vlan1
 ip address
 no shutdown
line vty 0 4
 logging synchronous
 login local
 transport input all

Also configure router in same network.

Configuration of windows defender firewall

  1. You can open the Windows Defender firewall as shown.
  2. Open Windows defender firewall with Advanced Security and enable these two settings on the inbound rules as below:


  1. File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request – ICMPv4-In) Private
  2. File and Printer Sharing (Echo Request – ICMPv6-In) Private

This allows GNS3 to send back ICMP (ping) request to the host PC.

By following this beginner's guide to setting up your network automation lab, you'll be on your way to becoming proficient in network automation. 

In conclusion, a network automation lab is your training ground for a successful career in network automation and IT. 

Ready to take the first step? Begin your network automation lab journey today!

02 September, 2022

How to Install Python Virtual Environment - A Step-by-Step Guide

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language used in various fields, from web development to data analysis. However, managing Python projects and their dependencies can become tricky, especially when different projects require different package versions. This is where Python virtual environments come to the rescue. In this beginner's guide, we'll explore the world of virtual environments and learn how to use them to isolate your Python projects effectively.

What is a Python Virtual Environment?

A Python virtual environment is a self-contained directory that houses its own Python interpreter and libraries. It's like having a clean slate for each project, where you can install specific packages and dependencies without affecting other projects. This not only keeps your projects organized but also prevents compatibility issues between packages.

Why Should You Use a Python Virtual Environment?

Using a Python virtual environment offers several advantages:

  • Isolation: Each project has its own environment, preventing conflicts between package versions.
  • Version Control: You can specify the Python version for each environment, ensuring compatibility.
  • Clean Workspace: It keeps your project directory clutter-free by housing all dependencies separately.
  • Easy Collaboration: Share your project with others by sharing the environment configuration.
Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of creating and using a Python virtual environment.

Creating Virtual Environments with venv

In this section, we'll delve into the process of creating virtual environments using Python's built-in `venv` module. This method offers a straightforward way to isolate your Python projects, ensuring clean and independent development environments.

Setting Up Your Development Environment

Before we start creating virtual environments, ensure that you have Python 3.3 or a later version installed on your system. Fortunately, Python 3.3 and above come with the `venv` module built-in, so you won't need to install anything extra.

Creating Your First Virtual Environment

Let's get started with creating your very first virtual environment. Follow these steps:

Open your terminal: Launch your terminal or command prompt. This is where you'll enter the commands to create and manage virtual environments.

Navigate to your project directory: Use the `cd` command to move to the directory where you want to create your virtual environment. This location is where your virtual environment's folder will be placed.

Create the virtual environment: To create a virtual environment, use the following command, replacing `<environment_name>` with your chosen name for the environment:

python -m venv <environment_name>

For example, if you want to name your environment "myenv," you'd run:

python -m venv myenv

Virtual environment created: Once you execute the command, a new folder with the name you specified (in this case, "myenv") will be created in your project directory. This folder contains all the necessary Python executables and libraries for your virtual environment.

Activating and Deactivating Virtual Environments

Now that you have your virtual environment created, you'll need to activate it to start working within it.

On Linux and macOS: To activate your virtual environment, use the `source` command with the `activate` script. 

Navigate to your project directory and run:

source <environment_name>/bin/activate

You'll notice that your terminal prompt changes to indicate that you are now in the virtual environment.

On Windows: On Windows, the activation process is slightly different. Navigate to your project directory and run:


For example:


Again, you'll see a change in your command prompt, indicating that you are now in the virtual environment.

To deactivate the virtual environment and return to your system-wide Python installation, simply type:


This practice ensures that your Python projects remain isolated, organized, and free from dependency conflicts, allowing you to focus on coding and development with peace of mind.

Using virtualenv for Virtual Environments

While Python's built-in `venv` is a fantastic tool for creating virtual environments, it's worth knowing that there's another option available: the `virtualenv` package. This versatile package offers an alternative way to manage virtual environments and is compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3. 

In this section, we'll explore how to use `virtualenv` for your virtual environment needs.

Installing virtualenv

Before you can start using `virtualenv`, you need to install it. Fortunately, the installation process is straightforward. Follow these steps:

Open your terminal: Launch your terminal or command prompt.
Install virtualenv with pip: Use `pip` to install `virtualenv`. Run the following command:

pip install virtualenv

This command will download and install the `virtualenv` package on your system.

Verification: To confirm that `virtualenv` was installed successfully, you can check the version:

virtualenv --version

You should see the version number displayed in your terminal.

Creating Virtual Environments with virtualenv

Now that you have `virtualenv` installed, let's create a virtual environment using this package. The process is similar to what you would do with `venv`:

Navigate to your project directory: Use the `cd` command to move to the directory where you want to create your virtual environment.

Create the virtual environment: Run the following command to create a virtual environment, replacing `<environment_name>` with your chosen name for the environment:

virtualenv <environment_name>

For example, to create an environment named "myenv," you'd run:

virtualenv myenv

This command will create a folder with the specified name in your project directory, just like `venv` does. `virtualenv` allows you to manage dependencies in a way similar to `venv`. You can activate the virtual environment and use `pip` to install, upgrade, and remove packages as needed.

On Linux and macOS:

source <environment_name>/bin/activate

On Windows:


Comparing venv and virtualenv

Both `venv` and `virtualenv` serve the same purpose: creating and managing virtual environments. However, there are some differences to consider when choosing between them:

Compatibility: `venv` is included in Python 3.3 and later, making it a part of the standard library. On the other hand, `virtualenv` is a third-party package that can be used with both Python 2 and Python 3.

Features: `virtualenv` provides more options and customization compared to `venv`. It allows you to create environments with different Python versions and offers greater flexibility in managing environment variables.

Ease of use: `venv` is simple to use and doesn't require additional installations. If you're using Python 3.3 or later, it's readily available. `virtual

env` may be a better choice if you're working with older Python versions or need advanced features.

In summary, `virtualenv` is a powerful alternative to Python's `venv`, offering additional features and compatibility with both Python 2 and Python 3. The choice between them depends on your specific project requirements and Python version compatibility.

Managing Packages with pip

With your virtual environments set up and ready to go, it's crucial to understand how to manage packages within them effectively. Python's package manager, `pip`, is a versatile tool that allows you to install, upgrade, and uninstall packages with ease. In this section, we'll explore how to harness the power of `pip` for package management within your virtual environments.

Installing Packages with pip

`pip` is the standard package installer for Python, and it's the primary tool you'll use to add new packages to your virtual environment. Here's how to do it:

Activate your virtual environment: Before you can start installing packages, make sure your virtual environment is active. If it's not, use the appropriate activation command based on your operating system (as discussed in previous sections).

Installing a package: To install a package, simply use the `pip install` command followed by the package name. For example:

pip install package_name

Replace `package_name` with the name of the package you want to install. `pip` will automatically download and install the latest version of the package and its dependencies.

Specifying Package Versions

In some cases, you may want to install a specific version of a package, especially if your project requires compatibility with a particular version. Here's how you can do that:

Specify the package version: To install a specific version of a package, include the version number after the package name, like this:

pip install package_name==1.0.4

This command will install version 1.0.4 of the specified package.

Using comparison operators: You can also use comparison operators like `>=`, `<=`, `<`, or `>` to specify version ranges. For example:

pip install package_name>=2.0.0

This command will install the latest version of the package that is greater than or equal to 2.0.0.

Upgrading and Uninstalling Packages

Managing packages isn't just about installation; it's also about keeping them up to date and removing them when they're no longer needed. Here's how to do that:

Upgrading packages: To upgrade a package to the latest version, use the `--upgrade` or `-U` flag with the `pip install` command. For example:

pip install --upgrade package_name

This command will update the specified package to the most recent version.

Uninstalling packages: To remove a package from your virtual environment, use the `pip uninstall` command followed by the package name:

pip uninstall package_name

This command will completely remove the specified package and its dependencies.

Creating and Using a requirements.txt File

To maintain consistency and share your project's dependencies with others, you can create a `requirements.txt` file. This file lists all the packages and their versions that your project relies on.

Here's how to create and use it:

Activate your virtual environment if it's not already active.

Generate the `requirements.txt` file: Use the pip freeze command to create a `requirements.txt` file containing a list of all installed packages and their versions:

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Using the `requirements.txt` file: You can now share this file with others or use it to recreate the same environment on another system. To install the dependencies listed in the `requirements.txt` file, run the following command in the target virtual environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This command will install all the packages and versions specified in the file.

With these package management techniques, you have the essential tools to maintain and customize the dependencies of your Python projects within virtual environments. `pip` is your trusted companion for installing, versioning, upgrading, and uninstalling packages, while the `requirements.txt` file keeps your project's dependencies organized and reproducible.

Best Practices for Python Virtual Environments

Virtual environments are an essential part of Python development, ensuring project isolation and dependency management. To make the most of virtual environments, it's important to follow best practices that keep your Python projects organized and efficient. In this section, we'll explore some of these best practices.

Naming Conventions for Virtual Environments

Choosing meaningful names for your virtual environments is a simple yet crucial practice. It helps you identify the purpose of each environment and makes your development workflow more transparent. Here are some naming conventions to consider:
  • Descriptive Names: Use names that reflect the purpose or project associated with the environment. For example, if you're working on a web development project, you could name your environment "web_project_env."
  • Project-Based Names: Include the project's name in the environment name. This makes it clear which project the environment belongs to. For instance, if your project is called "MyApp," the environment could be named "myapp_env."
  • Python Version: If your project requires a specific Python version, include it in the environment name. For example, "myapp_py3.8_env" indicates that the environment uses Python 3.8.
  • Avoid Special Characters: Stick to alphanumeric characters and underscores in your environment names. Avoid spaces and special characters to ensure compatibility across different systems.
By following a consistent naming convention, you can easily identify and manage your virtual environments, especially when you have multiple projects.

Using Virtual Environments with Version Control

Integrating virtual environments with version control systems, such as Git, is a best practice that ensures reproducibility and collaboration. Here's how to do it:

Include a Virtual Environment in .gitignore: Add the virtual environment directory to your project's `.gitignore` file to prevent it from being tracked by Git. This avoids unnecessary clutter in your version control system.

Include requirements.txt: Create a `requirements.txt` file (as discussed earlier) that lists your project's dependencies, including their versions. This file allows collaborators to recreate the same environment on their systems easily.

Documentation: Include clear instructions in your project's README on how to set up and activate the virtual environment. Mention the Python version, if applicable, and specify that collaborators should use the `requirements.txt` file to install dependencies.

By following these practices, you ensure that your Python project remains consistent and reproducible across different environments and team members.


Creating and using Python virtual environments is a best practice for any Python developer. It ensures a clean and organized workspace, prevents package conflicts, and simplifies project management.